I asked Mhairi MacSween, Community Outreach Worker, from the Energy Advice Centre for the Highlands and Islands to explain more about the new Energy Assistance Package that was announced in April. This takes over from the Central Heating and Warm Deal programmes.
I must say I found my brain a little scrambled trying to get it all clear in my head. As Mhairi said to me: "It is still fairly complicated so it is best to get people to ring us."
Essentially, as she explained, the new package means that everyone is entitled to free advice, an energy audit and a benefit check. Then some groups of people are entitled to further support including insulation and heating measures, mainly, these are people who receive 'qualifying benefits'.
This PDF file can also be downloaded from the Energy Assistance Package website, or you can view the quick guide online
In sum, there is good news for some older people and some with young families who can get free insulation etc. and this can include WALL INSULATION and other heating measures like replacing a boiler. Young families on 'qualifying benefits' are included for the first time.
And what about the not so young and not so old and able to pay?
I asked Mhairi if there was any support for those who are able to pay for some works.
Here is what she had to say:
Support can be offered in a variety of ways
By campaign/area (a one off price agreed by the Energy Saving Scotland advice centre and a contractor in that area for a limited period and discounted due to the large take-up) typically this is £199 for loft & cavity subject to survey but it varies. We can work with any group wishing to do a campaign in conjunction with us. We have a marketing manager who helps set up these campaigns. We just completed a campaign in Skye at £199 – so they were getting it for the same price as the mainland!
For individuals, e.g. if they phone into the call centre, to check all the utility providers and see which is the best deal (again this varies as each utility company is different and prices can change so we use a calculator to work it out which is updated continually from head office).
Support can be provided through the Carbon Emission Reduction Target scheme(CERT). CERT schemes are run by various energy companies across the UK. The schemes help tenants and home owners pay for insulation and other fuel saving measures. Anyone can apply for help through these schemes. If you are over 70 or on a low income, you should be entitled to free help to insulate your home. Other people may be entitled to grants to help towards the cost of insulation. Your energy adviser can tell you more about schemes you can apply for. Tel 0800 512 012
In essence:
The local Energy Saving Scotland advice centre for Highlands & Islands offers free, bespoke home energy audits, impartial advice on energy efficiency at home and assistance with accessing grants to help with home insulation and renewable energy technologies and money saving fuel tariffs. Simple tips that cost nothing but can save householders money straight away and stop the wasting of energy.
For any advice or to arrange a free survey of your property for cavity wall or loft insulation Free phone 0800 512 012