Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Reducing energy consumption is key to the future

The Government’s new energy adviser, David MacKay, has warned that unless new sources of energy are found the country will have a power shortage by 2016.

The suggestion that the United Kingdom will face blackouts less than a decade down the line should be enough motivation to persuade the government it is time to concentrate on energy conservation. Soon we will have to address the fact that we are living unsustainably.

As a country we have a choice - either live more efficiently, or live with less. By continuing to focus on energy production, the government is attempting to spend their way out of a crisis that has been caused by excessive consumption, rather than tackling the problem head on.

As the country’s leading wild land charity, the John Muir Trust is concerned that a reckless commitment to upping the build rate of energy projects will allow huge swathes of the country to be parcelled off for land hungry renewable energy schemes without proper assessment of each development.

The delivery of a secure, sustainable and affordable energy portfolio requires a commitment to protect the local and global environment from the effects of both energy production and consumption. The country urgently needs a national energy strategy that focuses on conserving energy and on energy efficiency, as well as producing it by more sustainable means. .

As John Muir said more than 100 years ago, “Not blind opposition to progress, but opposition to blind progress.”