Friday, 9 October 2009

Home loans for energy efficiency and conservation

OFGEM warned today that the price of gas and electricity bills could rise as much as 60% over the next few years as energy companies make the switch to more renewable sources of energy so it is welcome news that the Scottish Government is looking at what actions it will take around energy efficiency.

Yesterday it launched its consultation document on its energy efficiency action plan. At the same time it announced a new loans scheme for home owners wanting to take energy conservation measures such as loft and wall insulation. It is all on a pilot basis but at least it is moving in the right direction.

The Highlands and Islands have a disproportionate amount of hard to heat properties which coupled with the weather conditions means heat and electricity bills are on average higher. Conserving energy is the most efficient way to make it all go further.

The loan scheme includes money for solid wall insulation - an issue with many older properties that are hard to heat. This is an issue we have been raising as it has been missing from previous schemes as walls lose even more heat than lofts.

Loans are accessed through a number of ways including if you undertake a home energy report/ audit through the Energy Saving Trust. A number of communities are looking at this in the near future including: Assynt, North Harris and Galson Trust as part of their Climate Challenge projects.

Under the new loan scheme you can borrow money (from £500 to £10,000) to:
  • Install cavity wall or solid wall insulation and/or loft insulation;
  • Install renewable energy systems, such as wind turbines, solar water heating, heat pumps, small scale hydroelectric schemes and wood fuel heating systems;
  • Replace old, inefficient boilers.

The energy efficiency or renewable measure funded by the loan must be recommended in one of the following documents:

  • Home energy report (produced on completion of an Energy Saving Trust Home Energy Check (HEC);

You can find out more about all these documents and how to get them by calling your local Energy Saving Scotland advice centre on 0800 512 012.

For more information check out the Energy Savings Trust website.

Living in an old solid wall property, running on an ancient oil boiler this is something I'll be investigating for myself.

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